วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Sweet Pickles: Me Too Iguana (Sweet Pickles Series)

Sweet Pickles: Me Too Iguana (Sweet Pickles Series) Review

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Smart moms know how kids’ minds grow upon sweet pickles!

Imitating Iguana has no mind of her own. Incapable of self-direction, she adopts a “Me too!” mentality and blindly follows the crowd. “If everyone is doing it, it must be right!” she exclaims.

Sweet Pickles is a series of 40 classic children's books based on 26 animal characters living in the town of Sweet Pickles. There’s one character for each letter of the alphabet and each has an exaggerated human personality trait. One-by-one, the characters finds themselves faced with one of life's common pickles, but just because a pickle is a problem doesn’t mean it can't be handled! The life lessons that come out of each character's pickle impart basic values, ethics and social skills to children.

The new enhanced ebooks series creates an entertaining and engaging experience for children, while being an educational reading tool for parents and the whole family.

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